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🔥 暌違12年,期待已久的全中運即將在臺北登場!
📅 日期:3月24日(日)晚上7點 📍 地點:臺北市政府市民廣場
3/26(二)划船賽開始! 📅 會內賽日期:3月26日(二)-3月29日(五)
📍 地點:宜蘭縣冬山河親水公園
113年全中運 #全國首創 和Uber | Uber Eats攜手合作,替所有選手加油!
感謝Uber | Uber Eats提供優惠方案,讓我們能為隊職員、觀賽民眾提供一流的服務!優惠資訊請見113全中運官網
📣113 年全國中等學校運動會相關資訊可至官網查詢📣
全中運官方網站: https://reurl.cc/M4EMym
競賽資訊: https://reurl.cc/mr1krV
📣 歡迎大家到現場為選手加油打氣喔!📣
全中運 邁向國際的起點 #臺北市教育局 #113全中運在臺北 #113全中運 #臺北 #Uber #ubereats
🔥 After 12 years of anticipation, the long-awaited 2024 National Middle School Athletic Games is about to kick off in Taipei! Taipei City Government will hold a g Flame Lighting Ceremony at 7 p.m. on March 24 (Sunday) at Taipei City Hall Square! 🔥
The Ceremony will be a spectacular visual feast! The torch relay around Taiwan symbolizes the spirit of sportsmanship,for the first time nationwide, the flame will collaborate with Taipei 101, integrating virtual reality projections onto 101 building, showcasing the infinite possibilities of technology.
Following the ignition on March 24, the torch relay will start from March 25 to April 2 from Kinmen, Penghu,Matsu, the outlying islands. Starting from Taipei City on April 8, the torch relay goes through the western countiescities around the island .
The torch will return to Taipei City on April 15,then relay across the 12 districts in Taipei City This Flame Lighting Ceremony will feature a spectacular performance by Marching Band, Honor Guard,Color Guard from Taipei Jingmei Girls High School known for their strength, beauty,rich tradition. We are honored to have our event's ambassadors, Huang Hsiao-Wen (Olympic boxer), Wang Guan-Hong (Olympic swimmer),the event's mascot, Bravo, join us in igniting the passion for sports!
Let's cheer for the athletespray for the success of this g event!
Don't miss this rare opportunity to witness the power of sportscreate unforgettable moments together! 💪🏅
The 2024 National Middle School Athletic Games is proudly sponsored by Uber | Uber Eats, offering support to all athletes! Special thanks to Uber | Uber Eats for providing exclusive deals, ensuring top-notch service for our team membersspectators!
Check out the special offers on the 2024 National Middle School Athletic Games official website.
📣 For more information about the 2024 National Middle School Athletic Games, visit the official website! 📣

  • 主辦機關:
  • 承辦單位:
  • 113全中運執委會
  • 地址:110204臺北市信義區市府路1號B1(共創行動辦公室)
  • 辦公時間:週一至週五8:30-17:30
  • 信箱:113sport.taipei@gmail.com
  • 電話:(02)2722-1599
  • 傳真:(02)2722-1699
  • 瀏覽人數:1870010